In latter-day saint theology, there are 13 main points of doctrine that are outlined in what is the closest thing we have to a "credo." Small children memorize these statements. They are written into songs. They are called 'The Articles of Faith.' They were written by Joseph Smith as a response to someone else's query about what we believe. If you read them, you will have a really good, basic summary of all the most important doctrines.
The fourth article of faith outlines the first steps that one takes in their spiritual journey: faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the holy ghost.
The first two are very personal, individual processes. The second two are ordinances that require involvement by someone who holds the priesthood and for you to physically do something: to be baptized, an Aaronic priesthood holder says a specific prayer (it's very short, basically just announces that he's baptizing you with the authority of the priesthood) and you are submerged fully under water. Then, after that, you receive the gift of the holy ghost by a Melchizedek priesthood holder laying his hands upon your head and saying a similar specific prayer. At that time, they also give you a personal blessing. It's a neat experience.
You are not allowed to get baptized until you meet certain requirements. For example, you cannot just simply call the missionaries and say, "Hey. I want to be baptized. Can you baptize me tomorrow?" You have to meet with them, talk with them, and be interviewed by the bishop. Sometimes some people are not allowed to be baptized until after they meet certain requirements, such as getting permission from their parents if they are a minor, or going through certain specific repentance steps if they have committed certain specific serious sins (this is rare).
Alma is continuing a sermon to the people in Gideon. He has stepped down from his government position and is now a full-time missionary. Here's what he preaches:
14 Now I say unto you that ye must repent, and be born again; for the Spirit saith if ye are not born again ye cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven; therefore come and be baptized unto repentance, that ye may be washed from your sins, that ye may have faith on the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, who is mighty to save and to cleanse from all unrighteousness.ANSWER:
I think that Alma is not contradicting the steps in the 4th article of faith. I think he's stating that baptism is itself an act of faith.
What else could it possibly be?
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