
Thursday, November 7, 2019

How does spreading the word to previous generations help prepare to receive his word at the time of his coming in his glory? Alma 13:24

How does spreading the word to previous generations help prepare to receive his word at the time of his coming in his glory? Alma 13:24

Alma is preaching to the wicked people at Ammonihah. He stretches his hand out and says some powerful words.

"Now is the time to repent, because soon the day of salvation will come. 

Angels declare the voice of the Lord to all nations this news of great joy. This joyous news is spread among all God's children, including all of those who were scattered across the earth - hence why they have visited us!

The happy, joyous news is made known to us in plain terms so that we will understand and not be able to misinterpret it. Our people has been wandering in a strange land, and we are highly favored of God because the happy news about the day of our salvation has been shared even with us wanderers.

Angels are declaring this news to many right now, right here, for the purpose of preparing the hearts of the children of men to receive him when he comes in his glory. 

We are just waiting to hear the joyful news of Christ's birth. We know he will be born. We don't know when. I pray to God that he might come when I am still alive, but whenever it happens, I will rejoice that it will happen."

Alma is not talking merely about the birth of the Savior. He is talking about the entire symbolic mission of the Savior on earth. To Alma, and to me, it is incredibly joyful news that sins can be remitted, hearts can heal, and we can repent! The first part of Alma's speech is declaring that, "NOW is the time to repent!" 

It is really interesting to view repentance from the paradigm of rejoicing, rather than feeling miserable and woeful. I have tried to adjust my attitude towards repentance. I have reasons to repent every single day. Hopefully never huge, enormous sins, but I am a human. I have bad thoughts, I make mistakes, and there are definitely ways that I can improve each and every day. The promise that this is possible is Jesus Christ himself. It really is joyful news.

Parents who are converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ will teach their children to recognize, serve, and love him. Spoiler alert: Alma did not witness Christ's birth. But through his voice, the voice of many other prophets and angels, and the diligent, daily preparation of righteous parents, the generations that came after him were prepared for Jesus Christ's first coming.

Doesn't this strike you as a little bit similar to how things might be today, as we wait for his second coming?

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