
Thursday, June 20, 2019

Why is this "nevertheless" here? He had to experience it physically, not just through the spirit? Alma 7:13

Why is this "nevertheless" here? He had to experience it physically, not just through the spirit? Alma 7:13

Here Alma is continuing a really deep sermon about the nature and purpose of life. He says that the spirit knows everything, but the Son of God suffers in the flesh so that he can take upon himself the sins of his people and have the power to blot out their transgressions according to the power of his deliverance.

13 Now the Spirit aknoweth all things; nevertheless the Son of God suffereth according to the bflesh that he might ctake uponhim the sins of his people, that he might blot out their transgressions according to the power of his deliverance; and now behold, this is the testimony which is in me.

When I read this, I was surprised about this conjunction "nevertheless." I didn't really know why it was there.


"Why was it necessary for Jesus Christ to come to earth at all? Doesn't God know everything already?"

Yes. But apparently it's not enough to merely know them. He had to feel them.

In this most recent reading, I also noticed that the word "transgression" is used rather than sin. I think that word covers both the bad things we do on purpose as well as those for which we are not accountable, but which certainly do have an effect on the world. In other words, Jesus Christ experienced all the pain that ever was or will ever be - all of it.

This is such a beautiful doctrine. Essentially, it's the idea that I am not alone in my pain, that somebody else understands. But he doesn't just understand on an intellectual level; because he experienced it, he has the power and ability to actually conquer it. I love this doctrine. It makes a lot of sense to me, even though at the same time the scope is impossible to comprehend. 

I have faith that even though I can't really grasp how it's actually possible, that it is possible. It fills me with joy and relief to believe that somebody else is really intimately aware of my suffering and pain. It also means that all those nasty horrible thoughts I think in the dark recesses of my mind are not really a secret. It helps me to try harder to avoid going to bad places and thoughts willfully, just to know that. I don't want anybody else to know, let alone feel, some of the thoughts and feelings I sometimes have. 

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