
Friday, November 1, 2019

Why did Amulek continue to rebel against God? Alma 10:6

Why did Amulek continue to rebel against God? Alma 10:6 [from here on out, I will not be including links to the specific scripture because there is a wicked annoying bug that I can't figure out. Sometimes my church's website is... not my favorite thing.]

Amulek is talking about his conversion story. He says that he had never known the ways of the Lord, but then he almost takes that back by saying, "Actually, the truth is that I've seen many of his mysteries and power, and how he preserved my people, but I still hardened my heart. I was called to preach many times but I would not allow myself to hear. I knew the gospel, but I chose to pretend like I didn't. I went on rebelling against God wickedly until, well, an angel came and I couldn't deny it any longer."

Grumble grumble. Sometimes it's irritating to me that the people who get to see angels are the wicked ones. What I mean by that is: I would like to see one, like Alma and Amulek, and Paul from the New Testament. But I'm pretty confident I never will.

I can take consolation in the fact that Jesus says that the people who have faith without being shown visions and angels and miracles etc. are blessed. See John 20: 29.

Anyway, my question is why would Amulek continue to rebel against God even after having witnessed God's mysteries and power? It doesn't make logical sense.

Well, Amulek was a wealthy man respected by many. He could have been worried about his image. He could have worried about how it would affect his financial standing if he started to preach repentance to the people around him who were obviously very wicked.

I think the reason why people resist the logical and turn towards the selfish usually has one common element: pride. Amulek's pride got in his way for a very long time, and it wasn't until an angel came and told him to feed a prophet of God that he was no longer able to deny his witness. I don't think it's the fact that he saw an angel, but more like the feelings and the witness of the holy ghost that accompanied that experience. After all, there are numerous examples in the scriptures of people seeing angels and still continuing to rebel. It's easy to deny what you saw with your own eyes because eyes can deceive you. It's more difficult to deny deep, powerful feelings about what you know is right/wrong, true, etc.

Amulek was human and humans experience pride. He was able to overcome his pride because of a spiritual experience.

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