
Friday, November 8, 2019

Why is it mentioned last, the part about teaching the plan of redemption? And Christ? Alma 18:39

Why is it mentioned last, the part about teaching the plan of redemption? And Christ? Alma 18:39

Ammon teaches King Lamoni, who has promised to believe everything he says. This is the order that he teaches him the gospel:

God exists.
God is the Great Spirit.
God created everything on heaven and earth.
Heaven is on another plane than earth.
God knows all the thoughts and intents of our heart, since he created us.
Man is created in the image of God.
Man can be called by God's Holy Spirit to teach people what is just and true.
A portion of God's Spirit can dwell inside man.
God's Spirit gives us knowledge and power proportional to our faith in God and desire to serve him.
The world was created by God.
Adam and Eve were created by God.
Adam and Eve fell from God's presence.
The scriptures record the history of the prophets of the world from the time of Adam down to the time that Lehi left Jerusalem.
Lehi left Jerusalem with his sons.
Nephi was righteous and Laman and Lemuel were wicked.
The plan of redemption exists. This plan is that Jesus Christ will come to save the world from sin and death, and through his atonement, all people can repent, be forgiven, and receive exaltation.

Maybe it's just mentioned last because that could have been a rhetorical device in their language? Honestly, Jesus Christ is laced throughout the entire thing. For example, Jesus Christ is the creator of the world (and until recently, I thought that was a point of doctrine not shared between my faith and other Christian denominations - but they should read Hebrews 1-6 more closely! And honestly, the main thing is that we don't share the same belief in how the Godhead works.) The fall of Adam and Eve would be meaningless without the mediator's grace stepping in. Jesus Christ's plan to be the Savior was already in place at the time of their fall. 

Or maybe it was the most important thing, so Ammon really wanted it to stay in Lamoni's mind. Maybe it was something more difficult to agree with or believe in. I am not really sure, since it's something I can't remember ever not believing.  

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