
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Why would they not be able to repent again? Alma 24:13

Why would they not be able to repent again? Alma 24:13

The king (I think this is Lamoni and Anti-Nephi-Lehi's father?) of the Lamanites says this:

"Look, the Lamanites are going to come fight us. But let's keep our swords still. Let's not stain them with the blood of our brothers. It's possible that if we take up arms against our brothers, and stain our swords with their blood, we will never be able to washed clean through the blood of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. His blood was shed as an atonement for us. We need to honor his sacrifice by a covenant of peace."

In my opinion, it's not that Christ's power would have lost its ability to heal, perfect, and cleanse the people. It's the act of war would have hardened their hearts to permanently that they would no longer have been likely to repent and turn to him for a remission of their sins. It's that some of them would have died before being able to experience deep conversion and repentance. Perhaps it's also that waffling back and forth from faithless to faithful to faithless also decreases one's likelihood to have the conditions for a contrite heart and real intent, things you really need in order to manifest your faith and experience revelation. 

It's just that the king knew his people really well, and he knew that their repentance after taking up arms against their brothers would have been a lot less likely. Not that it wouldn't have been impossible.

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